Hey fellow Business Loan Brokers,

I hope you're all doing well and closing successful deals! As we know, the world of business loans can be challenging, and sometimes, we could use a helping hand to seal the deal and secure those crucial commissions. That's where I come in!

I'm excited to offer my expertise and assistance to any business loan broker who needs help closing a loan offer. I have been funding MCA's for over 10 years now. I have a proven track record of successful deal closures and an in-depth understanding of the lending industry. Whether you're dealing with complex paperwork, negotiating terms, or simply looking for some extra support, count me in to lend my skills and experience.

Here's the best part: I'm not asking for much in return. You can avail of my services for just a small percentage of your commissions. Think of it as a win-win situation for both of us you get your deal closed and earn your rightful commission, and I get a fair share for the assistance provided.

So, if you have a challenging deal on the table or need help with any aspect of the loan closing process, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Together, we'll work as a dynamic team to ensure our clients get the financing they need and deserve.

Feel free to drop me a private message or leave a comment below, and let's discuss how I can contribute to your next business loan success story!

Looking forward to collaborating with you all.

Best regards,

Ray Ciervo

Zip Funding