I am a licensed commercial real estate broker, business broker, finance specialist, and certified exit planning advisor. While I work larger success-fee-based deals for CRE/Business, I sell operating capital loans and revolvers as a way to normalize my income stream since brokerage can be feast or famine and take-3-9 months to close.

I have a small staff including a seasoned executive assistant, bookkeeper, senior financial analyst, social media person, and an IT person to help me automate our Zoho CRM system.

I'm getting ready to hire a coordinator to help with the client handoff once a client engages in our services.

I was curious to learn about worthy referral programs to offer clients so they'll become a great marketing resource for the business.

I don't see offering a fee discount as something very motivating. Are you offering cash? AMEX gift cards? Trips?

What is working these days?

Thanks for your input.