Quote Originally Posted by BR-Nightmare View Post
Seriously, you can't make this sh!t up.

I receive a deal, everything looks good, second position deal. Only problem is they look like they are going to bounce their positions payment.

I want to wait to see if it clears before I make a decision. Rep insists that I don't. I tell them it's not your call. The reply an hour later......

"Merchant has money in the account, fund it." Again I tell them "That's not how it works, I want to see their payment clear>"

Curiosity killed the cat and I felt like risking one of my lives, so here I go reviewing the MTD with the Merchant on the phone.

Well ****, looked at that Zelle! Accounts positive for sure..... I ask the Merchant, "Was this a payment from a customer?"

"No, **ISO Rep** gave it to me as a favor to cover the payment, I have to give it back after you send me the wire plus the fee I owe them."

"Lovely, let me get your approval and get back to you" NAhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I let the rep know they have been caught, of course here comes the defense.

Before their engine kicks into high gear, here I go with a simple question "DID YOU ZELLE THE MERCHANT, YES or NO?"

A shameful and defeated "Yeah" come through that phone......

Bro, get it together.....

Of course, we........reverend-x-cut-that-off.gif
You should say who it is, this behavior cant keep happening and they shouldn't get away with it anonymously.