Quote Originally Posted by seabrookfunding View Post
Fyi what the creepy little guy under a fake name is saying about bmf is true they were investors of ours 3 years ago but like I said he's asking about Steve Davis funding influx from 4 years ago same here he's behind the times Seabrook is a known platform with 7 funders/books under it at this time so keep doing fake diggings and let's bring you to the public at some point and if you want to speak to a rep email me ans you can talk to me I'm not putting my cell on a public forum when you can't even put a company name let alone a name...pleaae stop being creepy and negative and go back to your hole or let's be positive and make some money your choice you can either spend your time doing fake bs digging on things you come up short or spend your time making money you choose I hope you choose wisely as no one takes the unwise and jealous serious!


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