Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
Come on bro.....how many brokers call and ask "how many points can I get"? And how big of a PFS can I charge in addition to the SBA fees? There are few people who can help a company with a financial and operational analysis to get their business out of a MCA into something better. All I am suggesting is take a look at the bigger picture. I deal with brokers and merchants every day who are in trouble and need financial help to run their business. Many agree and take us up on that offer. Most don't get it. If people are insulted because I try and suggest a better loan for their client, the broker complains he needs to feed his family so he needs to push a client with an expensive MCA so he can make money, not because it is best for the client.
I get that all the time also. "I'm not doing less than 5 points." "I need at least 3 points up front even if there are residuals." I know it. However, you said "NOBODY" has the skills and that's what's insulting (you modified it to "all I'm suggesting" and "a few people" in this last post). Many are not (yet) familiar with the products and they start in MCA and branch out. I personally have been co-brokering for a lot of years, and eventually most of them learn how to do what I've been doing, or they graduate to other realms of finance, so we're always left looking for more newbies. Personally I'm involving myself with a completely different type of lending that's paying a whole lot better and merchants LOVE it, and it's for people that are passed SBAs, LOCs and MCAs, specifically designed to enable these clients have to monthly payments, but without all of the "noise" of long underwriting. So I'm moving "down wind" so to speak to service these clients. EVERY part of the ecosystem deserves to have good service, it's just hard sometimes to find them.