Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
Not referring to insurance brokers,was using licensed nmls mortggae brokers as an example. It was a greedy messed up industry like the MCA world is today. Regulation cleaned it up. Was saying the same think will probably happen to the MCA world.
Yeah, but it won't end MCAs. Nor should it. You're avoiding the criticism I made against you again: MCAs aren't inherently bad, and there's nothing inherently wrong with only offering them, either from the broker side or from the lender/funder side. Most people here are intelligent and can/will be able to learn and will pass a test if we're forced to. This is not something you need to spend 4 years in high-level classes and residency to understand.

It's NOT a good idea to insult and claims that "NOBODY" has skills. "Nobody on his site has the skills to take care of clients the way they should/could be handled. " ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

That's literally insulting the entire community!!! When you spend your days posting requesting for co-brokers. all that's needed is someone a bit less haughty and a bit less presumptuous, and they'll take over your SBA/RE co-brokering in minute. I'm 100% certain that there are people here who have scenarios that they refuse to send to you because they're insulted by your early-morning posts.