Quote Originally Posted by Chambo View Post
This scenario sounds rife with ID theft potential. what people seem to forget here is, this is sensitive financial data that you are talking about being shared with a non specific number of entities? Taken and regarded at the whim of a third party?

At least the current way, the merchant has to willingly send the actual documents...whether digitally or via fax.

A good lawyer would have a field day with that.
You remember when caller ID came out, and everyone was up in arms? It was a travesty. Privacy had been violated... the world was coming to an end. Now, today, we rely on it. GrubHub built a business on the fax machine, and that darn fax machine may ultimately be the thing that scuttles their impending IPO (if it's scuttled).

I'd much prefer to have my data on an encrypted token somewhere, than on some guys' desk for when the cleaning lady comes by....