Quote Originally Posted by Sean Cash View Post
The government already stepped in and did it. All brokers and funders already have to submit to criminal background checks and register with the state of Virginia if they want to do deals with Virginia merchants. The deadline to sign up was last November. Less than a dozen brokers registered. About 100 funders registered. There are penalties if you're caught not being registered. There are exceptions to the registration rule if your company was already registered in Virginia etc. Only a lawyer can offer proper guidance here.

All registered parties can be viewed here: https://www.scc.virginia.gov/getatta...4eb4/sales.pdf

I think DailyFunder is open to the possibility of blue checkmarks or such for employees on here who work for a company with a CA, VA, UT, license etc. What do you all think about that?
Agree. Do a poll or survey. Cut the sponsors that don't comply. Check drivers licenses and real names/employment/contract at conferences/events so we're not signing up with the "Frank Jacobs" of the world. Make it known that all because you're on forbes council, you're not God and unless you are working with an Altfi association of sorts and on the board - you can't just overhaul with promotions of products that maliciously stack and attack your long standing sponsors.

Also... some mods would be nice Cant have it all but we can try.