Quote Originally Posted by Finance View Post
I've seen you abruptly come onto the Daily Funder forum a hair under two weeks ago with a deluge of posts equipped with no preceding posts. Which by all definitions is cool with anyone here as it reveals your aspiration to "connect" and "express".

The problem here is that in a matter of weeks, you went from a seemingly innocuous/friendly entity looking to increase their acumen in the space, to an entity who incessantly posts with a substrate of irrelevance/foolishness, which is diametrically opposite of what you purported at the inception point of your posting.

This is saliently distasteful and unequivocally reveals a level of instability in you that viscerally reminds all of us in this forum of the many who have come and gone who purported positivity but turned out to be venomous snakes.

You came here with apparent aspiration to grow, to become successful in the space, deeply discussed how hard you're working etc., but in the span of a week conversely became a clown, and the irony is that you recently changed your profile picture to a clown which happens to be emblematic of your emitted behavior patterns.

Choose the man you want to be, do you want to be the clown? Or do you want to be the assumed identity purported in your original posts who works hard? It's one or the other, no in between, because if you were doing half of what you originally proclaimed, you wouldn't have time to be on this forum all day propagating irrelevant crap.
Hey vocabulary man! I posted this in regards to CA regulation on the 4th, yet you say it's all memes. Funny not one person discussed it when it is concern of all? https://dailyfunder.com/showthread.p...constitutional Know why no one commented? Because on another thread they were too busying trolling me. So do us all a favor the wonderkind you are or purport to be find something else to distract you. Because I do not believe you worthy of my time. Bunch of desperate old washed up brokers trying to hold their ground of DF. All they got I guess?