Signed on 5 NEW ISO's today all thanks to this platform! Thank you!

Any other brokers want to make some money together!?

Email me!

Minimum Monthly Rev: 25,000
Maximum Funding Amount: 1,000,000
Buy Rate: 1.20 - 1.42
Maximum Up Sell: 15%
Minimum Time in Business: 1 Year
Minimum Average Bank Balance: $1,000
Minimum Fico: 550
Expected Terms: 4-12 Months
Maximum Negative Days: 5
Minimum Deposits Per Month: 5
Minimum Ownership %: 51

We will mainly offer daily payment options, Weekly are possible but is on a strict deal to deal basis! We Fund Trucking, Construction, Cannabis, Lawyers, Puerto Rico and much more!

Nicholas Curcio
O: (888) 425-2825
C: (631) 942-3364