If any ISO would like to participate up to 50% in their best deals with my institutional capital earning them more income, then we have a match. Achieve the secondary benefits of partnering with the preeminent lenders and meeting their CEO's so you can get expedient VIP service. Also allow me to get your ISO in front of my Wall Street, private equity and institutional partners that have asked me to find them acquisitions and equity investments.

If you originate 500k or more in new originations a month then we should talk.

If you are looking for an exit strategy to capitalize on the recent Lending Club and On-Deck public offerings, I can help you achieve your life goals.

Send me an email at joei@lioncapitalgroupllc.com

Include a link to your website and your total new originations per month .

Reach out to me via email then we can link via linked in as well to look at my history and see how I can make an immediate impact on your ISO.