has anyone published a personal review on all these lenders? something that might have been written by someone hands on in the industry who has combed through most of them or like a bad lender list, who pays out, who does not, etc. we all know the bigger ones but there is value in dealing with some of the trusted lower tier high-risk bunch. i recently went out on my own and am signed up with 48 lenders, thankfully have not had any issues with any of them as i am reading on this forum. how i started was evaluating their website/activity/feedback/offers/numbers on my submitted apps, along with common sense in general of their communication, the efficiency of their platform/system, etc. if i don't feel right in my gut i steer clear, i think our instincts are usually correct. then i weeded them out over time into 3 groups. core, backup, sketchy. it is far from a perfect system is what it is at the moment. i find building with a core group of 8-10 lenders as a one man operation to be perfect. i don't submit defaults or any file i truly wouldn't fund myself if i were the lender. it wastes time, i try to find merchants that meet my core lenders criteria to start. match making. my overhead is minimal because i work out of my home. so i do not have to do as much as an ISO rep because i get 100%. i used to get paid $500 a wk and 25% of my deals commission (that was typically off 4-6 point deals, 8 at max. so i also learned on my own my ex employer was scalping a lot of points, cannot blame them i was blind when i started walking without a cane). but the person in charge was not a good closer and lost plenty of deals for a lack of all basics in general sales. i make 5X what i was making in an average month working on my own and enjoy learning daily. the fact that i control the merchant from lead to funded was my biggest issue because only i heard the merchants concerns/wants/triggers and could build on that vs having a drunken upper rep cold call him with impersonal jargon and stuff. point being in general, would be great to have like a datamerch approach to bad lenders or just a ratings list.