Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
Okay, so everyone assumes that everyone else is assuming the worst. Jon at Credibly just called me after I signed the new agreements (I don't PSF anyway). I asked him, "But you're going to get stacked by Everest or Forward or whoever, how do you know that it wasn't me?"

Here's what he told me: If you stack, don't bring them back for a renewal, they have no way of knowing what happened. However, if the deal goes bad and the stack is there, they're not stupid enough to start a fight. They will ask the merchant: "Who offered the stack?" To figure out what happened truthfully they will ask for email chains to find out.

I somehow doubt that they will willy-nilly dock everyone and just start fights for no reason. They need to put their foot down, but we don't have to play these games. Just because YOU are a bad guy doesn't mean that EVERYONE is a bad guy. MCA companies are known for their due diligence and double-checking everything. This is a pretty easy one to prove/disprove.

Yeah, the merchant could lie, but that's where the email chains will help. Both sides can prove that as well. Nobody wants a lawsuit or a fight.
The potential scenario i imagine in my head is:

Assuming you do some volume with them

- You fund a deal and earn $5-10k commission
- later on some other broker submits statements to them for your merchant or the merchant tries to get a renewal, they see that the merchant stacked
- they could care less who stacked it, your the iso on record, they clawback commission or offset the clawback against pending commissions
- you call them and argue with them nothing gets resolved
- you speak to an attorney and he will charge you 5-10k to file the lawsuit.
- you decide its not worth it and you take the hit and move on.