If I had a dollar for everyone who said "He's a good guy" I'd be out of this industry on a yacht in Greece.

I personally know a lot of people too and they would be great people if they were my barista or bagged my groceries... doesn't mean **** in this industry.

Again, the funding and payback within 4 days of netting $14k of a 20k advance and paying back 45% for the promise of a LOC is insane. You can't say one is innocent and would never let it happen when they let whoever whitelabel on their platform. The shady brokers are the ones who were communicating with the Merchant saying "Stop blowing up my phone these things take time" but confirming they received the wire for the "tradeline" in full so the Merchant can get the line...

There's always going to be that "I never had a problem with them" and "they treat me good" but to someone else they may be the worst walking the earth.

Never vouch or stick up for anyone when it comes to Money. Period.