Hello everyone,

I haven’t been on this site very long but it's been a great resource for information regarding different methods of funding. I thought I was going to simply use this site as a source of information but given my recent experience with a funder, I wanted to make sure everyone here was aware of his actions and to be careful if working with him.

I own a few small businesses here in NYC. Covid was one hell of a ride and despite having to close a few locations, I was able to keep my business alive. Part of the help came from alternate lending, of which i'm grateful for.

Back in 2020 I was able to secure an EIDL loan , which helped immensely. A few months later I secured the increase to 500k which was great. All of this on my own without assistance. Fast forward to early January of 2022. I was having a difficult time getting the 3rd increase. After I chatted with a friend of mine, he recommended Michael Lavolpe at Foxheart Funding. My friend confirmed that Mike has assisted his other friends in receiving the 2 million increase and with that referral I was comfortable contacting Mike.

Mike was cool at first but eventually turned a little condescending(Like bad car salesmen your dad tells you about) but I didn’t think much of it at the time. I was asking questions and he made it sound like I should just send him money and he will do his thing. But how would a normal person NOT want to do their due diligence? Of course I’m going to ask questions. Who just sends money out without some assurances?? He even asked me if I was going to be "that guy" who bugs him with questions.

I was hesitant with Mike because of his attitude. I was not comfortable at all so I didn’t move forward with him just yet. This was in January of 2022.

Fast forward to early May, I was frustrated with delays from SBA I decided to give his services a shot. He had me send documents and a payment of ($3,500) on May 5th over Zelle to his funding account.

He very confidently confirmed that I would get AT LEAST an extra $70k based on my revenue.

Fast forward to May 23rd. Mike says he took the initiative to submit my documents into the PRO PORTAL which, according to him, meant I was eligible for FULL FORGIVENESS of my EIDL loan. He tells me this is only eligible for people who used funders like himself and that it would cost $15k up front to receive the full forgiveness. He kept pushing me to send him that 15k and that I was foolish if I hadn’t. I mean cmon! He hadn’t done anything for me on the increase that I had already sent him money for and he's now asking for more money.

Thankfully I DID NOT send him the $15k so that part of this never ended up happening.

For the next couple months he just kept giving me excuses about the increase. Nothing happened. Until about late August. I asked for a refund and Mike says no problem. That he was sending THEM an email right now. I have no idea who THEM is. Maybe the SBA?? I wasn’t sure.

Nothing but excuses came from here on, and I stopped texting for a bit until this past month. I told him that this entire experience was unacceptable and that I just wanted my money back. I also told him I learned about Daily Funder and that I would be posting my experience here to protect others from have the same issue.

He got very defensive BUT I feel I gave him plenty of time (8 months) to correct the situation for me. I mean, What did I actually pay for?? There are no updates, no dashboard I can login showing a status of any kind. Tell me exactly how this is reasonable or fair?

So I figure if I’m not getting my money back, I might as well share this with all of you. I’ve borrowed money many times via MCAs over the last 3 years and always paid it back, even during covid!

The thing is, I know what it’s like to be in a tough spot. He could have simply said; I'm going through a tough time, can i give it back to you in installments?? But nope. He takes no blame and simply turns it on the SBA or ME? How the hell is any of this my fault? Accountability is something he needs to learn more about.

Anyways I hope this information can serve some of you when dealing with him. Be cautious!

I have my entire text thread with Michael if anyone needs to see proof of his messages. Just PM with any questions


NYC Biz owner