Quote Originally Posted by NYCTuga View Post
I couldn't agree more! I've heard many negative comments from banks about MCAs but I always tell them that I wouldn't have been able to grow so fast if it wasn't for them!

Luckily have Joe as a resource to guide to guide me. Unfortunately Michael has shown me the bad side of this industry but lesson learned for me.
I am very sorry about your experience with this particular situation. I have been in this industry for over a decade and I must say that its enlightening to get feedback from merchants like you. The MCA space became 1 big ponzi scheme the last few years. The ponzi involves ISO's funders and of course the biggest players are the merchants as well. What I am happy to see in your post is that you actually have a positive image on using MCA which proves that the industry once upon served a good cause and this product is legitimate for the right candidate. There are still honest people out there and hopefully normalcy will be reintroduced once the whole deck of cards of the ponzi folds.