Quote Originally Posted by Winning View Post
Microsoft Azure AI will allow you to build your own AI and train it with your own data but I am looking for more of an "Entry Level" service that I would not need to hire an engineer to build for me..

I would like to simply upload various csv customer databases to an AI. Then be able to talk to the AI about the data in normal language. I am trying to replace having to create/edit custom SQL queries to get data out of the databases...

Example of questions I would like to ask it...
What do you think Bobby Evans favorite color is?
How many different addresses have we shipped to for Bobby Evans?
What was our top seller for Black Friday 2016?
List the 20 top customers with the highest life time value thus far.

To be able to just ask questions, and the data is just spit out in plan text with out me having to formulate custom sql queries would be awesome.

Do you know of any services that would allow this capability with out going full nerd and developing on Microsoft Azure AI?

Perhaps I should just bite the bullet and turn up a Microsoft Azure AI instance and figure out how to do this. I guess once I do it and have it successfully working for my own business, I could then help other small businesses setup the same thing. Maybe turn my service that I built for myself, into an app??? But then I wouldn't want to be responsible for the data privacy.. So I guess the safest route would be to do contract work for other small business to setup their own instance of what I built for myself.... ??? IDK...
I will bet that the large ERP players are very close to something like this. From a deep learning POV, this is such a basic yet invaluable use case. The hard part is already done which is a publicly available conversational model. All the low-code solutions that I have come across are very basic and wouldn't achieve this without some programming. There are already solutions like this where you can chat in Slack/Teams and it will split out data but it is not nearly as smart as ChatGPT would be