Exactly, and some other Ai tools like Bard were even worse. I've had many debates with the Chat GPT AI directly, where I'm actually correcting and teaching the system.

I use the Torah and the Bible to test it because that's the most widely ready book/collection of books in the world, translated in the most languages.

One thing I will say; it pulls information from the web, and it tries to follow the most popular consensus. But if you can make a valid argument and back it up with facts, you can poke holes into the AI's answers, and it's pretty funny when the AI apologizes and comes along to your way of thinking.

Certain points seem to be hard coded, like climate change. I provided tons of counterpoints and historical proof showing the earth temperature hasn't changed more than 3 degrees in the last 100 years, and it constantly goes up and down in cycles, and it agreed, but it still kept going back to the conclusion that climate change was a threat, but it couldn't give reasons why.

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