Quote Originally Posted by zlaboy91 View Post
Thanks. Thats the realism of it I think. Data and a "Hi, do you need money?". I think I've got an idea though. As I read around I'm going to take notes of all the term definitions I do not know and make a nice list. Then I will look around and ask someone to define them. This way I can learn to hold a fluent conversation in the MCA language. Tadaaaaa lmao. I'm sorry man I know people are going to get butthurt because I think I can just step in and make money without losing my life, but there are probably bigger risks I can think of than buying data and renting an office when there are plenty of people that will work commission-only. Just keeping it real. I'm not looking to invest my own money in the MCA deals themselves, so unless there is something I'm missing that is going way over my head I just do not see it.
Yes you are right its not a gigantic risk, but if youre focus is on "renting an office" your not going to succeed. You need to have the right leads, you need to know how to sell and CLOSE, and you need to have the right funders to shop the deal to. Everyone thinks its easy until they pick up the phone.

Do you have any actual MCA experience, do you know any of the funders? do you have any relationships with funders and lead companies?

If you are not strong in all these areas youre just going to be wasting your time and money. Go ahead let us know how it works.