Quote Originally Posted by LJH365 View Post
Just want to give a shout out and an ringing endorsement to Steve Benjamin aka (on DF) as 'Olderguy'.

I found Steve via his many helpful posts on DF, and after trolling the feeds for a while, rang him up one afternoon to see if he could help me place a difficult deal.

That was about 2 months back, and I have developed a great relationship with him since then. He has been my go-to wingman (or more accurately- I have been his) on several deals for my clients. My company works exclusively with truckers, which is are not the easiest deals to get done (as we all know). A lot of people in the lending industry don't even give truckers the time of day, but Steve works his ass off trying to help these people. Half the time I don't even send deals to my own processor- I just send them over to Steve.

Besides the fact that I don't know when the guy even sleeps (he is seemingly ALWAYS available), he is one of the most honest and caring people I've met in a lonnnggg time.

I know it's easy to be cynical of people's intentions in this industry, and even on this board, so I wanted to take a moment to recognize someone who's doin' it right and doin' it well. For every hundred guys who post 'I can fund this deal send it to me' (without even looking at it) every time a deal hits the Deal Bin, there are one or two who actually try to be helpful to the OP and/or the client. Steve is one of them.
DF needs more posts like this