Quote Originally Posted by mistamca View Post
Namecheap.com they have basic hosting and you aren't limited to Linux.
Need something strong? Digital Ocean is a good alternative to the big names
Need a strong ecosystem? AWS or GCP
Don't trust big tech? Host yourself

I just fail to see any value you provide vs all the options out there.
I have websites that cost 10/year and some that cost 1000/year so I get it.

You are either a reseller that is a MSP or I literally don't understand the solicitation
There are hundreds of Domain Registrars - Pick One

I'm registered with Network Solutions and Tucows along with United Internet - if that is important to you.

I prefer Linux Hosting, but if a client prefers Windows - not an issue.

If you do not see any value, stay with whomever you are utilizing - I'm not twisting any arms.