Quote Originally Posted by bdshaw View Post
We all know the benefit of being an intermediary between companies and financing but why do so many of us think so lowly about other brokers (iso's) that we only want to deal directly with lenders. If you can provide the typical broker services to a client what makes you think other brokers cant to you.
Every time you are on the Daily Funder asking for a lender you are slapping your fellow brokers in the face. These are folks who may solve your problem, answer your question or get your deal done. It might even surprise you that on some deals you would make even more than going direct.
Bob Shaw
To some degree that already happens. I think as a general statement not all brokers are good to be honest. I think we actually know most aren't. So that taints the pool a bit, the ones who are good are known and I believe do work with each other.