Quote Originally Posted by Michael I View Post
speak to your colleagues , if they are sending out apps than you suck or need to call more . If you all having the same bad responses , than it is the leads .
Also a good gauge is what are the bad responses , is it sorry not interested or is it you are the tenth f...ing person to call me today and i closed my business ten years ago
Thanks --a little of EVERYTHING ---- I work remotely so its difficult to gauge what the others in the office are doing - however i do get a lot of not int in capital --- stop calling me's/you guys keep calling me --- or not in business anymore - I believe this office is buying cheap uccs and getting people to make 150 dials a day to find that DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH' been dialing with them for two months following up even on my own time emails and cultivating after hours and Ive gotten a dozen submissions a couple of approvals smallies 4-5 k some 10-12k and those that got offers never took them or were denied by creepy lenders last minute who have their heads stuck so far up their proverbial asses they cant see the light in supporting small business lol