IMHO it's another political witch hunt.

A borrower can't just "over state the value" of real estate assets in order to get a larger loan.

Banks don't just take a borrowers word for that. There's this little thing called performing due diligence and getting an arms length appraisal, no matter who you are.

Hasn't anyone noticed that the dems have brought up countless accusations ever since he was elected in an "attempt to overthrow a duly elected president " - 4 years worth? All ending up as nothing?

Before he was elected they kissed his ass. When he beat Hillary all of a sudden he was an enemy of the state.

They're just trying to keep him from ever running for office again.

I don't think he can run again. They succeeded in turning public opinion against him no matter whether any charges were true or not.

But again IMHO this is all political male bovine excretion.

No skin off my ass either way, or yours so who really gives a flying what - not?

Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
Is the Orange Grimace on DataMerch yet? He's on the NY court website!

As a person involved in finances, if we assume that he lied, I view this as really really bad. Will the right-wing podcasters shrug it off? When a merchant gets blacklisted from lending because he fudged a number, we accept it. But if Trump fudges numbers, should he be able to get away with it? How many underwriters would reject financing Trump, but are die-hard pro-Trump enthusiasts? Everyone has the benefit of innocent until proven guilty, so I'm curious from a forum of lending, what the optics are in your minds? Can Trump do no wrong, therefore a black liberal woman DA is automatically assumed to be 100% politically-driven in her quest? Curious to hear your thoughts.

Also, interesting article. Axos Bank refi'ed Trump. They're also the bank that originates a ton of WBL deals and a lot of brokers have their accounts there.