Good answer Zach.

Quote Originally Posted by Zach View Post
I don't mean to sound facetious or rude, but with the limited information you provided that's a difficult question to answer.

1. What is your budget?

2. What is your experience (cold-calling, SEO leads, live transfers)? If you are familiar closing a loan using certain strategies that work for a specific type of marketing, you might want to continue that method to increase conversion rates (early cashflow is important for all ISO's).

3. Are you willing to cold-call? If so, what data would you prefer to target and have you designed a pitch?

4. What will be your unique value proposition? What sets you apart from the hordes of calls that clients already get? Are you going to target niche markets, are you going to have a unique product line, are you going to be the low-price provider... what is your strategy?

5. How many people and how much time/money do you have to invest in this? If your resources are scarce, I would recommend to pick up some raw data and cold-call a targeted industry using a dialer (mojodialer or Five9). It's basically the cheapest way to get off the ground, and you will learn to sell the product along the way.
If you have significant resources, consider the cost of hiring telemarketers to pound aged leads versus the cost of buying live transfers. Overall the cost of building out a telemarketing team is cheaper, but has much higher startup costs. Both have their pros and cons.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but I wanted to cover all the bases here.