Quote Originally Posted by ovadia2526 View Post
Hey guys I used to work for instafund advance. i sent out over 100 iso agreements to broker shops some of them came on board with me and we funded a few deals together. they didn't pay out commissions on my end and on the isos end. They have a backdoor shop named ea funding solution. every deal they get in their pipeline as direct funders (instafund) they shop out in the back office where they have a brokershop. DONT SUBMIT ANY DEALS TO THAT BACKDOOR SHOP! IF YOU GUYS WANNA WORK WITH REAL DIRECT LENDERS GET ON BOARD WITH ME I PAY OUT UP TO THIRTEEN POINTS.
Wow breaking news. Ovadia, when did you find out about this kind of behavior? And if they do it how do I know who else is (or not) doing it. I would assume that just like they are doing it maybe others (or maybe perhaps all) are doing it. My biggest question is how do we know that you are not doing it. Should we take your word for it? or do you have something more than this?