Colonial is one of the better platforms that is used for Syndication and while it is a good platform, I would highly consider using Capital Stack's Platform. The reason, being that Capital Stack's Platform actually lets you see everything that is going on in the deal in regards to underwriting. I assume that you are interested in at least getting a brief synopsis of what the deal is like (time in business, monthly sales, judgments, tax liens, etc.) Capital Stack is also very on point when it comes to collections. If a merchant has an NSF or more than 2 days without a credit card payment, an e-mail is sent to every syndicate, and the sales representative who produced the deal. Another option is to try using both and see which one you feel more comfortable with. As for me, I would use Capital Stacks.

Quote Originally Posted by Fetachini View Post
It seems like everyone uses Colonial for syndication. Are there any other platforms that can be used for syndication or even a collection management? What platform do you DF Members use?