Quote Originally Posted by Yankeeman07 View Post
A broker that wipes out a merchant's phone number, email, or changes that info , plus changing the date the application was signed -
Yes those would be red flags for me.

If I'm the guy writing the check (which I'm not) I would not accept applications from that broker.

In my Sales Career I've written Life/Health Insurance, SBA Loans, Credit Card/ACH Processing Applications and would never consider changing
or submitting false information to Underwriting.

I can recall a few times before E-Mail - Docu Sign Era traveling back to an applicants Home/Business because I neglected to secure a signature on part of an application.
I have run 3 direct lenders over the last 12 years. It's weird how the people who run their mouth the most have the least clue of what they're talking about. I just explained to you in explicit detail that I don't change anything, not only that but I have extensive experience in actual regulated lending markets and it's common practice to put the agent's phone number in the client's space. I wonder why you sit on an almost-defunct MCA message board all day you boomer.