What I typically do is I have several funders like Kapitus or On Deck who I know aren't selling my data or backdooring me, I provide them with the application that has the correct info on it. For most other funders, I have a backup application that before the merchant even signs it, auto populates my phone number into those sections and creates a secondary version of the app. If we get an offer and I'm requesting contracts, I provide the application with the correct info on it because I, you know, want the docs to go to the right place. I've personally never had a funder have an issue with it, including this file that I am working to fund right now. I have caught several shops that were 'funders' or who a 'funder' I submitted to forwarded it to, and they've called my merchants trying to steal said files. It is what it is, I've been in this industry too long to hand some shmuck my commissions and I don't care what some douchebag who isnt one of my funders thinks. There's times I have to send files to a new company that I don't have history with and I don't trust them, and this method has served me well to sort out those pieces of garbage who think they have some right to call my merchant, lie to them, and swindle them into a commission.