Quote Originally Posted by rmckellar View Post
Just caught these guys calling a merchant that I submitted to them, and that someone I submitted to also sent to them apparently. Put my phone number as the merchant number and what do you know, "Chris, from Fundshop's underwriting department" called thinking it was the merchant trying to backdoor me.
this is a practice we used to deal with all the Funders at some point... the bigger Funders that you have a relationship with usually will not happen...sometimes..And now that you know what funder you sent it to than you are aware of the leak? Sad story is that not all Funders have these issues but certain key employees that are on that submissions email are always looking to make some extra money and filter your approvals to sometimes an in house sales team that is directly working for the same funder you are submitting to...

in my past expierence we would create a Google voice number for each funder and have the admins who submit to the Funders change the numbers on app and erase the email in a whole off the application. It is time consuming for the admins but trust me they have the time to get this accomplished. Once you start calling the Funders out, trust me it will cease. They just will backdoor other apps and leave the submissions from you alone...

this is a nasty business we thrive in called the MCA

BUT... everything can be traced and set up for low key spys under the Funders roof..