Quote Originally Posted by Bcooper View Post
as a biker im going to go ahead and give you this line " if I have to explain it you wouldn't understand" you are a sweet summer child dave best of luck to you as you are going to get eaten alive.
I'm offering a very simple Check 21 Software Program that delivers a Check For Immediate Deposit within 3 minutes via email.
Genie Check 21 is a SOFTWARE PROGRAM - Nothing more - we don't handle money.
Online Signup takes less than 5 minutes if you type real slow

If you or anyone else believes they need an Attorney to draw up a PSF Contract by all means do so.
No one asked you about PSF Contracts, etc.

So PLEASE tell me how in the world I will get eaten alive!

BTW, if you really think I'm a child come meet me in person in Spring Hill Florida - I'll be happy to meet you at any watering hole on Shoal Line Blvd.