It’s hard out there for a Broker/ ISO…

Marketing and leads are expensive not to mention all the scammers out there.
Merchants submit requests for funding and then never answer or call, text, email you back. Or they lie or give you a hard time because someone else lied to them or treated them poorly
Lenders don’t get back to you with the answers you need within a reasonable time or sometimes never
Commissions are paid begrudgingly as if they originated the deal themselves
This list is long…so is the # of hats you wear

Let me explain why you need a BETTER Fundr…Honestly, it’s simple but many fail to provide the service you want and deserve.

Here is what I propose to you:
1. Communication: you will always know what’s up – the good, bad, and the ugly. Nothing kills deals faster than time spent waiting for an answer. I will give you the answers you need to make decisions and get deals done FAST.
2. Max commissions without having to beg about how much or when you’re going to get paid
3. Trust…in this wild west industry your deals and relationships are safe.
4. Availability: 7 days a week – call, text, email.
5. The best offers for your merchants: It is possible to get your merchants funded, make great money, and sleep at night.
6. Training (if you want it):
a. A better way to open and qualify a lead.
b. A tried-and-true way to close a deal making it a no-brainer for the merchant.
c. How to set yourself apart from others who may be working the same lead and a way pre-selling your renewals on the first call.
d. Objection handling: Do you want to know the BEST answer to “What’s the Interest rate”?
7. A 2nd voice: if you need help closing a deal – I will get on the phone with you and your merchant and help you get it across the finish line.
8. Lead sources- I have used so many over the years - I have a couple of lesser-known but higher quality lead providers with real exclusivity. Also, probably cheaper than some of the lead providers you’re using now.

Here is how I know all the above…
I have been in the alternative business funding industry for over 8 years (sales for 20+). When I first got started back in 2014, I was handed a tri-fold brochure, a printed out excel spreadsheet of UCC’s, pointed to a phone and said GO. I WANTED TO LOSE MY MIND!
Since then, I’ve worked for 5 different funding companies and on both sides of the business: Funding and Brokering. I was part of the team that created the now well-known industry disrupter Bitty Advance. If it is a skill or task this space- I’ve done it: Fronting, Closing, Marketing, Operations, Renewals you name it! I’ve hired, trained, and coached dozens of broker/sales reps.

Give me a call or use the calendly link below to schedule a time for us to talk and let’s work together to get your business to the next level!

Russell Crossman
Partner Relationship Manager
Direct: 912-677-2447
Schedule a time for us to talk: