Quote Originally Posted by Yankeeman07 View Post
Google Sheets Why would any astute business person trust Google with other people business information.

BTW - over the years a few people (not many) have taken advantage of the services I offer.

Quick advice - NO one is forcing you to read my posts - if you have no interest, fantastic -
I don't think you understand how business works, lenders use google sheets and similar services because they are easy and free. it takes five minutes to make a google sheet and costs nothing, creating a program that has the same level of utility would take millions and honestly isn't worth it. also good for you on make a few sales over the years that may be why your LLC is no longer active and most of us screw with you. you are easy low hanging fruit that constantly puts yourself in the position to be messed with 99% of what you post has very little relevancy on this board and you do not conduct yourself like the rest of us, essentially you are the black sheep and pay the price.