Quote Originally Posted by PhillyFunder View Post
Hello All, hope this finds you well.

I have been in the space for about 10 months now, and like to think I am finally getting it down to where I can consistently close deals, and feel confident in my abilities.

However, I am not making nearly close to what seems achievable in this space.

Where I work is stingy in terms of commission %, and barely even provides me with the leads or approvals to make more.

For example this month I've had about 19 Approvals, closed 9, and funded $118,000 with an average deal size of $13,000 getting 26% commission LOL!!

I was thinking of buying my own leads, and negotiating a much higher commission split since it would be to no cost to them, and would get to use their name to appear more professional.

I was wondering what you guys who have been around the block for a while think, and if you could point me in the right direction to purchase some decent leads.

Here's some advice.. find a different industry, this one will take your soul. But if you decide to stick it out then
- don't trust anyone that includes merchants, everyone is a ****ing liar except the underwriter (just wrong sometimes)
- It's not hard to open up your own broker shop, why split the commission? I opened up my first broker shop after being 6 months in the industry. (Then again most of the good funders aren't taking on anymore isos so the funders you are left with you need to do research on. If you never seen them in bank statements, most likely they are not a funder) That's the only way you'll achieve commission you are looking for.
- LEADS are everything, lot of bull**** out there, so don't go buy big batches always get small samples of leads to test out. (I have a great connection for one but they are pricey)
- if you decide not to open you own shop, look around for other brokers to work for and see who offers something better. If you are a top closer then negotiate your commission.