Quote Originally Posted by kevin@rossi View Post
if someone is calling 300 ppl a day and on avg it will take 60 seconds to get the number, dial it, a few rings and do their pitch & vm/email/ text. That is already 5 hours of your day. where is there much more time to have a good conversation, shop a file out, work the funder on approvals?

(dont say that broker cuts out time since they dont need to shop a file out since there is an office admin. the brokers that have good relationships with funders get better approvals and more deals done)
even with your math you still got another 5 hours for everything else .
Also your naïve if you think submitting as opposed to having an api and click a button so they do not have to enter everything gets you a better approval and more deals done.
Having a low default rate ,syndicating, big volume and not wasting a funder time is what gets you bigger and better approvals . in that order