Learn for my mistake, Do not do business with SalesProsects.com / SalesProspects.online
I should've know better when I got an unsolicited call from there guy Alex , apparently a new guy only there two weeks and couldn't tell me how he got my personal cell, anyway they had some interesting products and I decided to give them a try , I purchased a test amount of what they described as sba loan declines " they are merchants who for one reason or another were declined by the sba in the past 24-48 hours , very exclusive and only get a handful a day so they are 20 a pop" , the other was your standard aged list , said to be merchants who applied for funding for mca in the past week or two.

Well this was the biggest pile of **** and they didn't even try to frebreeze the bathroom after , no flush , no shame , full on lie to your face and then lie again with the toilet paper on there shoe.

The sba declines were the first I found to be bull****, The files they sent over where a vague questionnaire the merchant had allegedly answered and each file per lead was not the same questions just looked like pages 3-8 of what could've been 20 pages, still I bough them so i called them, all of them confirmed they had not done anything with the sba for months to years , well I knew something was up so I called this company out for this and they said it was probably a fluke , I had no solid evidence so I called a few more and when I did get the next live one , once again she told me they had not only not been declined but got money from the sba 2 years ago, and so I just went full transparent on her and said look this lead was sold to me ...... story told , she said that she did get a call a few days prior from a man overseas who asked her the questions that were on the lead sheet I received . Check this out tho. She said she just told him no thanks we are good and not to call again , however as you may have guessed the lead sheet said that her response was that she could absolutely use funding , asap, as much as possible in more words or less . I saved this recording , called the lead company and got a manager who reexplained the same bs that they were sba declines and 24-48 hours old bla bla , got him to say it a few times then saved that recording , sent him mine with the merchant and demanded a refund on the grounds of false advertising , I told him id charge it back and I have multiple people claiming over and over what this is supposed to be and proof that it is not at all. Now to this they conceded .
However, as Billy Mays would say


The mca applications. These came over with funded amounts some with factor rates and terms , it almost appeared that they weren't just applications , that they were fully funded deals , not ideal obviously if they just got funding a week ago, that's a hard sell, I should also say this was a test file of 500 to determine rpc rate and data quality . When I inquired about the strange funding fields I was assured this was a type-o in the fields of the file and that it should have said money requested not funded. I accepted that and began calling ....
first 15 that I made it through (again these are supposed to be mca apps from businesses in the past 7-14 days) I found 3-5 companies who had been dissolved , Owner names who never worked for said companies , Landlines for residential homes who have never heard of the merchant . everything was wack. So again i called to complain, they started by standing by there product and after a lot of arguing over how small my data set was and why I wasn't willing to waste my time calling nonsense to prove that my data set was sufficient in regards to my complaint , The manager gave a hail marry and said that Alex , this poor kid who had no clue what kind of scam he was working for , would hand dial all of them for me and document any that were not correct and if it did not meet there 90% accurate rate I would in fact get a refund for these leads as well . They told me they would reach out in 24 hours , They did not.
So I called them myself to confirm what I knew to be true , this is were they backpedaled there offer and said that whilst Alex had managed to call 150 or so that it wasn't realistic keeping him from his typical job duties and that they had found that 70% of the 150 was accurate.... Not quite 90 but ok , so at this point I'm over this whole thing and I attempted to compromise , Asking for a 30% refund based on the 30% bad data that they just admitted to me , This went nowhere and they insisted that the best course of action was to have me just call them all, while documenting any and every issue on an excel sheet , then when im done send it over to them and they will issue replacement leads for any bad ones I came across . F That but ok maybe some day . So fast forward to this week , We are between lead orders atm and I decided to keep my self busy and call some of them , Again things are wacky as can be from the jump for example , Owner name John smith , company Crispy Treats llc , Email Keith@ShippersDelux.com . So I start searching each "owners" name with the company and thats when I figured it out

Heres the real thing they are selling and the TLDR for everyone
They sold be "SBA Declines" that were actual dirt cheap 1 year+ old ucc data force fed through an Indian Boiler room and then falsified answers all packaged up to be a $20 bottle of water
They sold me "recent mca applications 7-14 days old" That were actually LINKEDIN SCRUBS! yea thats right the only thing all the leads had in common was a search for owner and company pulled linked ins , and whatever they use to scrub is very primitive as it often gave phone numbers for other companies they had previously worked at , individuals who where never even close to ownership and or had retired years ago. none of them had ever applied or even inquired about any alternative lending products.

Sorry for the essay but this was my Ace Ventura Lead detective moment .

The lesson here is that good lead companies don't call you , they have enough returning customers that they don't need to seek clients , bad lead comps burn there customers like myself so they solicit new clients to replace the ones left pissed off and robbed