Hey all - first time posting on the forum - so I'll make it short,

My name is Gary (I think it will appear to the left side).
I'm opening up Fundly to 10 more brokers as we slowly release it to the public.

Fundly gives you an endless stream of real-time leads in the form of merchants that are looking for funding for $1.

Before I share where you can sign up - I would like to let you know that Fundly is NOT meant for agents with large teams at this time.

If you're a large team or looking for merchants doing Millions per year, please reach out to some of the marketers in this forum.


If you're looking for access to fresh inbound leads (ranging from 5 -100K/Month in revenue ) and you want to control who you work with then please feel free to learn more at www.getfundly.com

We took the same systems that are behind 1.2M in commissions and wrapped it up into a fun-sized package called Fundly.

When all spots are filled up - I'll delete this post so we can take care of new users.
