Over 78,000 views. This has to be one of the most viewed daily funder threads. Just shows we know how to market, not only ourselves but your services.

This is why our lead buyers find success, we put real effort, time and data analysis in to creating high quality leads.

We recognized many buyers have no marketing systems in place, they just smile and dial like its the 1980's, and why your results are like the 1980's too. So we created a system for you, applying more of our marketing expertise to your sales process.

Introducing the Pop Your Brand Marketing System

We set up a CRM, SMS, eMail, 10DLC and messaging to help you gain more from the leads you buy, more apps, more deals funded. Some of you can do this yourself, or hire some "programmer" in another country to do this, yes i agree. But what you cant hire is our ability to get you 40% open rates on emails, and 20% click-throughs. A calendar full of booked appointments each day and a steady stream of apps just pouring in as you work the system.

Most of your texts suck, we've seeded all of our data files and have seen everyone's pitch, most are real bad.

"The worst has to be the "I give you $100K you payback $121K in 5 months, where do i send the paperwork?"

If you're struggling to breakthrough or even gain traction and have no CRM or drip campaigns in place, or any automation i can guarantee you're loosing sales to someone who does.

Let us help fix that for you. Contact us at hello@popbrands.io or by visiting www.popbrands.io to learn more and fill out our contact form. You can also speak to your client strategist if you've already worked with one here in the past.