It's The End Of The Month, Time to Fire Your Lead Supplier - Page 2
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  1. #26
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13711
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    Apr 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheRopes View Post
    I checked out the website. There is no pricing information or information about the exclusivity of these leads. Would be nice to know some major sticking points BEFORE giving you my contact info.
    Call us 516-274-9997

    We offer leads from $1 to $150 exclusive and non exclusive.

  2. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by PopCrumbs View Post
    Call us 516-274-9997

    We offer leads from $1 to $150 exclusive and non exclusive.
    Why not post your pricing and terms here for all to see? I'm not interested in spending my time on the phone calling vendors. If your product is quality and competitive I'm happy to give you a punt.

  3. #28
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13711
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    Apr 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheRopes View Post
    Why not post your pricing and terms here for all to see? I'm not interested in spending my time on the phone calling vendors. If your product is quality and competitive I'm happy to give you a punt.

    I did post our price $1 - $150 a lead. Depends on what you're buying. Filters, exclusivity, age all matter, which is why a call saves everyone time

    email us at and someone can get you pricing on the type of lead you want to buy.

  4. #29
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13711
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    Apr 2015

    Months almost ending, hitting your goals with your current lead flow?

    If not lets chat

    We have user submitted business loan leads in US and Canada and in English and Spanish languages

    We also generate ERTC leads, R&D Credit leads, Cash Discount Processing Leads and Credit Repair leads

    Fun fact: Our CEO has helped dozens of big companies become big, like Groupon and Lexington Law

    Here is what their director of marketing Josh Ashton said about our CEO over 12 years ago,

    "Mike is a guy you can trust in the industry. When I first became involved in lead generation, Mike was one of the first partners I was able to work with and trust. He was one of the major reasons we were able to grow our outbound program into what it is today. It’s been 5 years and nothing has changed. Mike is more knowledgable today and just as reliable as ever. He is a great marketer and his ability to know how to successful “speak” to the consumer is rare. I knew that Mike and his team would do everything possible to help us build a successful partnership together."

    If you want to supercharge your business you need those who know how to on your team.

    Reach out or
    Last edited by PopCrumbs; 08-21-2023 at 02:02 PM.

  5. #30
    Senior Member Reputation points: 58271
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    Dec 2015

    How many times do I have to fire you?

    You're like wearing flame retardant, tin foil suit, with a roach like exo-skeleton.

  6. #31
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13711
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    Apr 2015

    We noticed MCA demand has been growing again, must be funders looking to load up for the end of the year.

    If you need fresh live leads of prospects looking for a loan right now, hit us up. --> or lead supply was tight but we are growing and able to add a few more buyers.

    English and Spanish speaking leads. USA, Canada and PR (I have a great deal on Puerto Rico leads, hit us up)

    We also do leads for cash discount, buyers are telling us they are closing 8-14% of those, if you're in that space you know now is the time to capitalize on it.

    Also we do ERTC, R and D, 1099 and other tax credit leads. If you're in the tax credit space we got leads waiting for your call.

  7. #32
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13711
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    Get your shop in order. If you buy crappy data with no consent your calls and text wont even be delivered!

    Leads are much more than a name and number, its your systems, your reputation, and the good in your business. Consumers, Carriers, Politicians have had enough with telemarketing, its under attack.

    Similar to how they regulated email SPAM. SMS and calls are going to get filtered and you wont even know it. Carriers and VoIP suppliers will check known spammer lists and registry's to make sure your number and you are legit, as well as the systems you're using to call. Are you calling from a known spammer service, you'll be blocked right away, associate with spam and you'll be labeled as spam.

    The only combat to what is coming is being a good actor. Call people who ask to be called, not someone on a list. Use good clean numbers, registered to good clean VoIP and SMS providers, honor all opt out requests right away.

    We generate 100's of people everyday asking for a call. People who wont complain when you call them, people who wont hang up in anger, leads that wont cost you, your reputation with carriers. Leads you can grow a stable business on. We generate these leads over dozens of media platforms and partners so you get a chance to sample multiple ad sources and find the one that yields the best ROI for you.

    Contact us at and lets get your shop growing with compliant leads for the long term.

  8. #33
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13711
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    Bumpity Bump Bump

    Chances are you're killing it this month. If you're not lets chat.

    Its going to slow down when China closes for the new year and February break hits, if you're looking for those hot hot leads who are looking for funding hit us up

    Clients funding deals like crazy the last 5 weeks, one of our live lead buyers hit a high 6 figure deal this month from our leads in addition to over $300K in other deals funded, was a HUGE month for them

    Im looking to add 1-2 more clients to our live lead flow. If you're looking to fund a few $100K a month in deals, reach out.

  9. #34
    Senior Member Reputation points: 78900 Olderguy's Avatar
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    Irvine, CA

    *** Promotions Must Disclose Physical Address and a Phone Number ***
    Steve Benjamin
    Professional Business Loans

    522 Contessa
    Irvine, CA 92620
    Broker, Underwriter, general business loan expert

    @ 24 hour funding working capital loans
    @ Term loans from 3 years to 10 years at 9.5% and up
    @ Equipment financing up to 7 years
    @ Property loans - Hard Money and traditional - Primary, Investment, commercial, land, fix and flip, construction.
    @ SBA loans - 7A and 504.
    @ Private money equity and debt for major investments
    @ Personal Loans up to gross income from personal tax return.

  10. #35
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13183
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    Dec 2021

    Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
    *** Promotions Must Disclose Physical Address and a Phone Number ***
    Go on their website and you'll see their address and phone number, take it easy promotion police

  11. #36
    Senior Member Reputation points: 307559
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    Jun 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
    *** Promotions Must Disclose Physical Address and a Phone Number ***
    read through thread and you will see all there info . Also everyone and anyone in this industry knows pop crumbs and their good reputation

  12. #37
    Senior Member Reputation points: 78900 Olderguy's Avatar
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    Irvine, CA

    New guys don't...I get calls from new brokers all the time that have no idea. Why make it so hard and appear to be so unprofessional?
    Steve Benjamin
    Professional Business Loans

    522 Contessa
    Irvine, CA 92620
    Broker, Underwriter, general business loan expert

    @ 24 hour funding working capital loans
    @ Term loans from 3 years to 10 years at 9.5% and up
    @ Equipment financing up to 7 years
    @ Property loans - Hard Money and traditional - Primary, Investment, commercial, land, fix and flip, construction.
    @ SBA loans - 7A and 504.
    @ Private money equity and debt for major investments
    @ Personal Loans up to gross income from personal tax return.

  13. #38
    Senior Member Reputation points: 307559
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    Jun 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
    New guys don't...I get calls from new brokers all the time that have no idea. Why make it so hard and appear to be so unprofessional?
    can someone get this guy a cup of coffee so he is not always so grumpy

  14. #39
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13711
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    Apr 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
    New guys don't...I get calls from new brokers all the time that have no idea. Why make it so hard and appear to be so unprofessional?
    Maybe i should make a new thread every 2-3 days posting the same promo about my leads and how they are the best thing since the MCA was invented?

    I did include my website in that one post which has our address, phone, email, etc....
    its not even like we use a gmail as our biz email, we pay the $9 a month for professional emails.

  15. #40
    Senior Member Reputation points: 78900 Olderguy's Avatar
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    Irvine, CA

    Quote Originally Posted by PopCrumbs View Post
    Maybe i should make a new thread every 2-3 days posting the same promo about my leads and how they are the best thing since the MCA was invented?

    I did include my website in that one post which has our address, phone, email, etc....
    its not even like we use a gmail as our biz email, we pay the $9 a month for professional emails.
    So why not have a signature that includes all your information that makes your company seem more professional than just a website. Maybe consider it market differentiation?

    And I use Gmail because it's marketing - easy for people to remember ""....than ""
    Steve Benjamin
    Professional Business Loans

    522 Contessa
    Irvine, CA 92620
    Broker, Underwriter, general business loan expert

    @ 24 hour funding working capital loans
    @ Term loans from 3 years to 10 years at 9.5% and up
    @ Equipment financing up to 7 years
    @ Property loans - Hard Money and traditional - Primary, Investment, commercial, land, fix and flip, construction.
    @ SBA loans - 7A and 504.
    @ Private money equity and debt for major investments
    @ Personal Loans up to gross income from personal tax return.

  16. #41
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13711
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    Apr 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
    So why not have a signature that includes all your information that makes your company seem more professional than just a website. Maybe consider it market differentiation?

    And I use Gmail because it's marketing - easy for people to remember ""....than ""

    Look at my join date, tbh I've been here so long i haven't bothered to "professionalize" my signature, like someone posted above most people know us

    I rarely post here to promote my business and only do it in this thread (If i post lately its been to offer education and advice on recent FCC regs and 10DLC). So every 4-7 weeks i like to bump this thread just to remind everyone were still here

  17. #42
    Senior Member Reputation points: 78900 Olderguy's Avatar
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    Irvine, CA

    That's your choice to only include your website....some new broker may not want to go any further...and you're also not in compliance with the posting requirements for this section but what the heck...I guess anybody new won't care either....
    Steve Benjamin
    Professional Business Loans

    522 Contessa
    Irvine, CA 92620
    Broker, Underwriter, general business loan expert

    @ 24 hour funding working capital loans
    @ Term loans from 3 years to 10 years at 9.5% and up
    @ Equipment financing up to 7 years
    @ Property loans - Hard Money and traditional - Primary, Investment, commercial, land, fix and flip, construction.
    @ SBA loans - 7A and 504.
    @ Private money equity and debt for major investments
    @ Personal Loans up to gross income from personal tax return.

  18. #43
    Senior Member Reputation points: 28835
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    Feb 2019

    Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
    So why not have a signature that includes all your information that makes your company seem more professional than just a website. Maybe consider it market differentiation?

    And I use Gmail because it's marketing - easy for people to remember ""....than ""
    Oh boy, you gotta love hearing someone give market differentiation advice who also says that using @gmail is marketing.

    I would never work with a vendor that has a free email OR I would work with a free email because you are small and I can capitalize on that fact in a zero-sum situation. Neither are good looks for a vendor

  19. #44
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13711
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
    That's your choice to only include your website....some new broker may not want to go any further...and you're also not in compliance with the posting requirements for this section but what the heck...I guess anybody new won't care either....

    TBH i don't want any new brokers, I only want established MCA companies, not brokers trying to figure it out.

  20. #45
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13711
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    Over 78,000 views. This has to be one of the most viewed daily funder threads. Just shows we know how to market, not only ourselves but your services.

    This is why our lead buyers find success, we put real effort, time and data analysis in to creating high quality leads.

    We recognized many buyers have no marketing systems in place, they just smile and dial like its the 1980's, and why your results are like the 1980's too. So we created a system for you, applying more of our marketing expertise to your sales process.

    Introducing the Pop Your Brand Marketing System

    We set up a CRM, SMS, eMail, 10DLC and messaging to help you gain more from the leads you buy, more apps, more deals funded. Some of you can do this yourself, or hire some "programmer" in another country to do this, yes i agree. But what you cant hire is our ability to get you 40% open rates on emails, and 20% click-throughs. A calendar full of booked appointments each day and a steady stream of apps just pouring in as you work the system.

    Most of your texts suck, we've seeded all of our data files and have seen everyone's pitch, most are real bad.

    "The worst has to be the "I give you $100K you payback $121K in 5 months, where do i send the paperwork?"

    If you're struggling to breakthrough or even gain traction and have no CRM or drip campaigns in place, or any automation i can guarantee you're loosing sales to someone who does.

    Let us help fix that for you. Contact us at or by visiting to learn more and fill out our contact form. You can also speak to your client strategist if you've already worked with one here in the past.
    Pop Brands, inc. fka Popcrumbs

    Transparent and trustworthy lead generation company in the MCA space since 2015
    MCA leads from
    We spend $1,000's a day on Meta, Google, X, TikTok and others to generate qualified prospects for you!

  21. #46
    Senior Member Reputation points: 35569
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    Most of your texts suck, we've seeded all of our data files and have seen everyone's pitch, most are real bad.

    Lol @ this. Could not agree more, I get all these dork's "sms marketing" as well and its laughable. Its no wonder the merchants are so jaded, get bombarded with single digit IQ garbage on the daily.

  22. #47
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13711
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    Are you following us on Instagram?
    Pop Brands, inc. fka Popcrumbs

    Transparent and trustworthy lead generation company in the MCA space since 2015
    MCA leads from
    We spend $1,000's a day on Meta, Google, X, TikTok and others to generate qualified prospects for you!

  23. #48
    Senior Member Reputation points: 55706 JasonBishop's Avatar
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    Jun 2018

    Cheers to you. Hopefully no one got fired today. Keep up the great work. Follow for a Follow MK!

  24. #49
    Senior Member Reputation points: 35569
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    Mar 2024

    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheRopes View Post
    I checked out the website. There is no pricing information or information about the exclusivity of these leads. Would be nice to know some major sticking points BEFORE giving you my contact info.
    Only exclusive leads you are getting are real time generated yourself, and even those have tons of shoppers in there.

  25. #50
    Senior Member Reputation points: 58271
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonBishop View Post
    Cheers to you. Hopefully no one got fired today. Keep up the great work. Follow for a Follow MK!

    Cheers right back in your fun loving face, chubby.

    I did release 2 members of today, but that's what happens when Isos complain...... heads roll..., down the stairs.

    The only good Iso is a closing Iso, and if you're not closing our stuff, we're closing the door on someone's fingers, as they're
    escorted out of the office.

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