Quote Originally Posted by TheUnderwriter View Post
I think its pretty easy to know who is full of **** and who is legit or not. These 'funders' that post on here or linkedin promoting themselves etc , but have you ever seen them in a bank statement? Do you know any other brokers who work with them and pay commission? Would multiple brokers go to bat for that funder and give a good reference? If the answer is 'no' and you still sign up with them and get screwed, thats no one fault but yourself. I have brokers reach out all the time and if I dont get a good reference or their website is not legit etc, i dont sign them up. Not going to waste my time with a broker i feel is not legit or gets their files from downlines/backdoored to them. Not going to deal with that headache when it comes to funding deals or seeing they stacked me right after since I can just ask the merchant 'who got you that funding right after us?". I dont see why it wouldnt be the same with signing up with a funder. It is the wild west but if you have half a brain i think 99% of the issues people face can be avoid but if you want to sign up with anyone and everyone to try to make a quick buck, then dont be surprised when a bad situation comes up.
I will say that DailyFunder seems like bizarro MCA sometimes, because a lot of big names on here are not the people actually funding and the way they talk about deals you would think theyre Finance Boomers on the periphery of the industry with no fundamental understanding of processing or ISO relations from the Broker's perspective

I don't work with the majority of companies that advertise on here regularly for exactly the reasons you outline above

Especially companies named after ****ing fruits and vegetables