Quote Originally Posted by TheMattTasticVoyage View Post
Im curious to see what lead strategies yall use, percentage wise and how successful it is , for example
20% of lead budget on text 50% on trigger data 25% on live transfer and 5% on direct mail. Ive searched for an existing thread but cant find any concise discussion or debate on the most effective leads to use and in what ratio. Tell your horror stories with lead types , the pros you have personally found and cons. And dont worry you can keep your closing secrets well secret. Im only looking to see a diverse group of perspectives of lead type success.

Well if you glean the site, you’ll pick up bits and pieces and enough to decipher.

You’re asking people to give away their trade secrets; it’s not just leads, it’s processes as well…..kind of like asking for their recipe for homemade durian-aid, a refreshing drink made from a delicious and expensive little known fruit, that was banned in multiple countries because of how great the demand was.

The www.dumbleads.com staff has a durian-aid machine that makes them fresh every morning…..imagine walking into the office, to a scent that brings back the best of your childhood memories….