[QUOTE=TheMattTasticVoyage;165631]At the risk of being roasted, that's why I joined recently , I've been observing this site for a while , and had to join so i could ask my own questions. I have no metric for who is and is not good , a small idea of who is low risk , and Im here to see if who i have already is good and to get insight on who I'm missing. I have witnessed that most people on here like to have P***ing contests and seldom give help , especially considering when helping john could make him a more difficult competitor to themselves (which is understandable ). Ideally Id like help with understanding the must haves , the always avoids , and the good mid tier for lenders , as well as how yall actually send deals , Do you hail marry and submit to all eligible lenders , or one by one ? Again I understand I'm putting myself into the oven.[/QUO

Im gonna ignore the risk of opening the floodgates to unwanted competition, UFS is a must have 2nd-5th funder. Honest , incredibly fast and just good people. Rare breed in this field . I work with irving@ufsfunding.com. I promise you wont regret and is a must add. everest as well is absolutely a must.