Quote Originally Posted by BobbyALeadGuy View Post
Apparently, I have gotten some love on this site in the recent past, which has resulted in a nice chunk of new business for me, first off I want to thank my clients who recommended me here. Much appreciated guys !

I am a veteran lead guy (started in my senior year of high school in 1987). Got into the MCA space back around 2018 and have slowly but surely grown.

Not gonna get into too much here and bore you guys, but if you want quality leads in bulk and want to pay a 90% discount to any other lead guy in the industry, you can send me an email at: Bob@Leads4Capital.com or text/call at: 267-825-0829

I have solid data at prices that will make your head spin and get new data in weekly. Shoot me your email address privately (not on this thread) and I'll send you my current inventory with prices.


Bob Abbatiello
Corporate Source
lmao. anyone that actually believes this is either new, stupid, naïve, or all three. "good leads at low prices" haha. like saying "selling great ferraris dirt cheap". wouldn't happen.

if they were "good", you'd either use them yourself or sell them at a premium (unless you're running a charity now). just say it like it is - "selling generic b2b data I obtained using a scraper, and no one is buying, so I've lowered the price"