Quote Originally Posted by clickspeed View Post
We do mass texting and email blasts, Twilio and the SMS carriers (T-mobile especially) are cracking down, since the start of March due to govt cracking down on them. You now get a sending trust score, and if its not high- your throughput drops (delivery of text)... We find that email is trusted more than text (although you can't beat the text reply rate) and there's less liability as long as your list is scrubbed and you opt-out if they want.

We get into the INBOX 90%+ the time with a mass email blast and it scales to 1 million sends a month.

We have data (if you have we'll clean it to make sure no bounces), you just need the right subject line and email body copy. Aside from that if the prospects you are trying to target have an email account we will get into their inbox 9 out of 10 times.

If you want to talk about exploring this feel free and message me
How do you like Twilio?