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Hello, Please give us a shot. We have no restricted industries & Fund 1st position. Contact Info & Guidelines Below.

We specialize in:
A paper and High Risk deals
1st to 7th position
Defaults & Declines (Deal by deal basis, at discretion of Funder)
Reverses Consolidation
Revolving lines of credit
Equipment financing

Minimum Monthly Revenue For 2nd position & On:
Minimum Monthly Revenue For 1st Position:
$7,500,000 For 1st time taking an MCA Advance
$15,000 For a Merchant that has had an MCA Advance in the past

Our Product:
5k to No Funding Cap (as long as the deal makes sense we will Fund)
Terms UP TO 95 DAYS (flexible with large funding amounts)
Weekly payments available (if the merchant has a weekly we will consider)
Early Payoff Discounts
Early Renewals
Instant DocuSign Contracts & Light Stips -DL, VC
Full Commissions on Default Merchants & Renewals.