Most liberals were not for defund the police, they were just the loudest. Fracking ended because the prices of oil went down. John Kerry is an outright hypocrite, but so are many republicans who look at the white house raid as "peaceful protesting." Trump was impeached twice for a reason, don't assume that "it's not fair, Biden wasn't impeached yet." Yes, most liberal logic is dumb, but don't put all liberals in the same basket. It's the same fallacy of blaming all republicans for Trump.

Liberal logic is "big government will save us." Republicans campaign and say "government doesn't work", then get elected and prove it.

Liberal logic is based on the concept that you can redefine and ignore boundaries, such as defund the police and "transitioned" men playing women's sports. You see the fringe growing towards that now and it is the logical extension, but don't ignore your own responsibility to keep yourself at check, or that anything that negative said against a republican or anything that a liberal does is automatically "liberal logic."

Be careful if the war ends quickly.