If the war ends, it likely won't be due to Biden, I agree (but that's to be seen). But how can you know he wouldn't have done it under Trump? He didn't, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't have. You have the power of prophecy?

Trump already took credit for "not" letting it happen and will surely take credit when it ends also, that's what he does. It's called gaslighting. Putin's doing it also. You blame everyone for being bad for having big hands because your hands are small.

Why do you label those two types of people as "Democrats" and "Republicans"? That's "socialism" and "capitalism." You might want to think that all democrats are socialists (they're not), and all republicans are capitalists (they're not). The differences are nuanced, don't play identity politics. The TRUTH is that everyone is out for themselves, and people don't care about you as much as you think they do. Socialists care about themselves and preserving their "feelings of equality" (which is biting off their nose to spite their face) until they get into power and then they only really care about themselves, and true capitalists don't give away their money or "care" about their workers - it's my money, I do what I want with it. A 100% free market creates monopolies, which everyone is against. In an ideal world they do, but in a world like ours workers had to unionize to get out of the sweat shops (and then get corrupted themselves....)

Is Biden doing a bad job? Yes. There's a lot more to leadership that just being a democrat or a republican.