Quote Originally Posted by pcfunder View Post
I really don't understand this metaverse thing at all. What makes it so valuable? To me it seems like its the same as if someone from the 1960s tried selling someone a computer and said "listen man this internet thing will connect the WORLD but you have to pay 1 million dollars for it and you can't turn it on until everyone else gets one!" Yes computers did connect the world but fast forward a little bit and computers became a very inexpensive commodity that can be replicated by so many inexpensive companies. How are these multi million dollar price tags for a "virtual house" going to be sustainable when people are going to actually see how corny and useless a video game house really is?

Well, a video game house is as corny and useless as buying a new outfit for a game character, or a new dance for him. Yet, the game that sold all these 'useless' trinkets, reached 1 billion dollars in revenue faster than any other game in history, and games are the leading profit generators in the entertainment industry, easily eclipsing movies and music.

Working part time with Meta as a Data research associate, I can tell you that they're trying to combine virtual reality with real world in some unique ways, just going by some of the gadgets we're testing.

I don't agree with everything they do, but they're trying to make an interactive world with less boundaries than a traditional gaming platform or mobile device. And its a FULL BODY experience, not just simply a controller or a headset.

We were testing a mouse and keyboards that only exists in the air, Minority Report style.
