Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
Pearl certainly does charge junk fees that most other funders don't charge (besides most of the other stackers) they typically add 7-10% in fees on top of 3 month 1.45 factor rate .
It's the 2-3 month 1.45's that are going to be the issue in any underwriting and due diligence.

Everyone is so blindly greedy, thinking about all the IPO cash they are going to bring in, not realizing the consequences of quarterly reporting and transparency. the REAL default rates, the REAL criteria for funding, etc, will all come out (unless there are bogus books being submitted,, but that is a whole other issue)

All this is really going to do is bring more scrutiny to our industry and all these fly by night brokers and funders had better start dusting off their resumes. The SEC won't put up with 50-60% of the nonsense that goes on with some places. Then there's the whole Gov't regulation, backdoored through the SEC to worry about. I understand NAMAA is meeting very soon. Hopefully they are paying attention and ready to act