
Or get reputable funders and fund deals that you won't get screwed over by. We're dealing with people's livelihood over here. When you get a merchant netting $500 on a $50000 deal and promises of a $2mm LOC after 10 payments (why do they still fall for this?), or your new agent who just started is excited about his first deal and $500 and it gets killed just to be backdoored? What about if you say "take this deal, it's better" just to find out you connected your merchants with true crooks? As brokers we have RESPONSIBILITY, and you should just throw it all at the wall and see what sticks.

What "MAJOR" lenders are you referring to? It's probably because you didn't do DD to realize that they were just a broker and lied to you. Just because you don't know doesn't mean that the rest of us don't know.

And that the $1.3mm funding was really $50,000 over all 7 deals that all got "killed in UW", but was really a scam and they presented them with LOC offers and scammed them more.